Supported Sarvangasana on two large cork blocks - mimicking spike work - into Dwi Pada Viparīta Daṇḍāsana supported.
Sirsasana – Head Stand (Shir-sa-asa-na) is considered by some to be the most important inversion and it is known as the King or the Father of All Yoga Poses, while is Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) is referred to as the Queen or the Mother of Yoga Poses.
These variations can be practiced in both headstand and in supported back bend through a yoga chair.
An everyday practice to promote health.
Asanas that open the chest, abdominal and pelvic cavities support our ability to breath deeply and consciously. In turn this can support our digestion, strengthen our pelvic and abdominal organs and control the state of our nervous system.
An ideal afternoon practice to reverse the effects of sitting.
Inversions - Chair Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) with variations
Using yoga chair to practice Sarvangasana + Halasana thru chatush padasana.
Using the chair and blocks to staying high on the support of the legs to support the base of the base through the pelvic floor.
A simple daily practice:
* boosts your immune system
* Increase digestive function
* promote hormonal health
Using specifically designed yoga chair to practice supported backbends.
Ideally practice at the end of each day to relieve neck and upper backs.
If it feels too strong on the neck then use 2 blocks for head support.